About Us

Cannabis has been a part of my life for as long as I remember. From my aunt with multiple sclerosis, to the passing of my mother with Parkinson’s, I decided that I needed to know more about this natural herb that brought them so much pain relief, peace, and happiness. I now have a Master’s Degree in Medical Cannabis and Therapeutics .. as I continue to learn, grow, and educate.

A Chicago native and resident of Maui, Hawaii for over two decades, and I have been an artist extraordinaire of several mediums my entire life. I was born to expressively create. I have also been a cannabis patient for over a decade.

In 2020, Shani joined Kafi and moved to Maui. They quickly discovered their love for good times, good food, and good friends and High Society Gamers was born. Kafi started making game pieces for their weekly game night they host together. This flourished and spawned the creation of their first game 420 Puff Puff Pass.
This game was created as a recreational use of cannabis in hopes that the feeling of relaxation and happiness still permeates. Throughout the history of the world, cannabis has been found in every continent. Kings and Queens have been buried with it as a part of their prized treasures, which only they could tell if it was medicinal or pure pleasure. This game is intended to be the catalyst to bring people together in hopes that happiness, peace, and treasures are received.

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